Why Who am I? is a question of increased difficulty today. What makes us awake? What moves us? Where are we going? Do we have a horizon and a direction that unites our local, national, continental roads and that makes us feel "alive"? Do we have a sense of historical mission? - these are some of the issues we explore through choreographic approaches and soundscapes.
work - in - process

an encounter of the imaginations of the choreographer and performer Iskra Prodanova, the specialist in cultural studies Svetlozara Hristova, the sound engineer Victor Prodanov and the graphic designer Stoycho Chakarov

as well as a first encounter with the audience

ARE YOU ALIVE is part of a long-term artistic project - the IN-BETWEENNESS series on choreographic works created on a collaborative basis
*this project is funded by Bulgarian Ministry of CultureĀ