Iskra Prodanova's "Not a Rubber Duck" is part of the exhibition "In the Empty, Still Unbuilt Space of the City" by Gallery Gallery with curators Albena Baeva and Rene Beekman, created especially for the second edition of the contemporary art festival "Buna" in Varna.
!🐥"Not a Rubber Duck" by Iskra Prodanova refers to the sculpture "Rubber Duck" by Florentin Hoffmann. Hoffmann's work celebrates the unity of humanity, viewing the world's ocean as a giant bathtub in which we all play with a giant inflatable toy. Hoffmann's work has visited many cities around the world, but never Bulgaria. Iskra's sculpture "Not a Rubber Duck" depicts what Hoffman's duck would look like when it gets to Bulgaria, if it ever visited. Its playful yellow colour is replaced by the grim black of oil spills and other pollution caused by mankind in this giant bathtub we call our oceans. At the same time, the negative form of the title is a critique of the presumptive negativity that has gripped the public debate about contemporary art in Bulgaria.