Feedback from the audience:
It was wonderful!  It showed me a number of ways to connect with people (including with myself) that I experienced with the people at the workshop. It was different with each one and interesting for different reasons and in different depths. “Art is an invitation to a conversation” ^^.
Yasen Kalinin on the workshop In-betweenness, 2019

I can confidently say that this performance was not a performance, but a feeling that passed through each vein and capillary, each core of each cell of my body. In its end I took three steps on the stage. Three steps, enough to make me travel light years and reach every planet of the Solar System, to sense its slow and ancient movement as if made by me. I returned to the womb – a moment before my birth and a moment after the end of all days that I have left calculated to their very end. This was not a spectacle. This was one hour of moments in which my heart was beating madly or barely trembling. One hour of timelessness. One hour of eternity. One hour of life.
Alexander Gabrovski, task 3, 2019

She talked,
Dragged her leg,
As if she was lost,
Telling a story.
She was filling the space,
Modelling it,
Narrowing it down,
Then opening it out…
She was unimaginably small.
Everyone observed,
Made her smaller and smaller.
They smiled,
They desired something,
An invisible particle,
Then another second one,
And then twenty more –
Gathered by the Universe
There, and precisely then.

Jasmina Manolova, task 12, 2019

For the duration of an hour I went through a colourful palette of emotions – discomfort, when she would share with us intimate information, experiences, her feelings; happiness and grief for the events in my life that came up to my head while she was sharing her personal world; compassion when I saw her struggle with herself and who knows what else in the darkness of the space in front of us; anxiety when I had to fulfil my task and talk in front of everyone; an unexpected lightness after I shared verbally something that might first sound insignificant, but is actually quite personal from my perspective as every name I have been called I associate with a particular person, moment..; togetherness as we had all participated in some way in the performance…
Maya Krusteva, task 5, 2019

What happened was wonderful and I still struggle to transform the perceived and felt into words. But this is a brief attempt. Only a point of view. It all began with repetition. I am very interested in the idea of repetition. Of the same movement or gesture and to what states it leads the one who performs the movement and the one who perceives the movement. But then careful observation, looking for details, intellectual analysis faded into something else and I was immersed in cosmic sounds, a voice and barefoot steps. Everything was as if close to me. Everything appeared vast and cosmic, but also in close proximity because I was inside of it. The participating viewer was a surprising element to my mind. It causes a bit of anxiety. But it shouldn’t. I hope people are less like me and more opened, liberated, and not frightened, so that communication can occur. The Space In Between reminded me, made me re-learn, comprehend once again, in a new way, how inexplicably vast the world is and how one person is also an inexplicably vast, deep, colourful world.
Ana-Mariya Sotirova, task 8, 2019

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