photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov

photo by Martin Atanasov
NUTRICULA puts the performers through a series of tasks that aim to test and re-imagine the limits and functions of the body and deconstruct (un)conscious habits of movement. The work aims to liberate the body and its movements from meanings imposed on them.
Impossible actions is a collective performance for 10 people who activate the physical solo, change it according to their bodies and biographies and together create and perform a variety of versions in the same space. It was first produced in 2021 by Radar Sofia and Drama Pact in DNK – a space for contemporary dance and performance in Sofia.
The work deals with the dynamic between global and local within the performer's body, with the ways the socio-political reality and the personal biography inform the process, and the possibility of the performer to claim space beyond the concept.
Yasen Vasilev works in the field of contemporary dance and performance as a dramaturg and critic, he's a regular contributor for Springback magazine and a collaborator of choreographer Ehsan Hemat (Belgium/Iran).
NUTRICULA is the practical research of his master thesis on the politics of dance from Shanghai Theatre Academy – in collaboration with Philip Kwame Boafo, performance artist and researcher from Ghana, and has been presented by different performers and in different formats in Shanghai, Lisbon, Vilnius, Bremen, Bergamo, Turin, Barcelona, Taipei, Volda, Kristiansand and Sofia and new versions are upcoming in Brussels, Trondheim and Valetta.
photo credits: Martin Atanasov